EFOY ProSeries
Reliable Power, Anytime, Anywhere.
EFOY Pro fuel cells supply power at any time of the year or day.
The EFOY Pro generates power from fuel methanol in the fuel cartridge,
complemented by oxygen from the air. In addition to power, all this
creates is waste heat and water vapour with a little carbon dioxide.
This is extraordinarily environmentally friendly.
Reliable, off-grid power supplies for surveillance systems
Flexible and covert power supplies for 360° surveillance
Flexible and covert power supplies for mobile surveillance
The best energy solution for off-grid wind measurements and lighting of obstructions
Off-grid power supply for reliable data transmission
100% autonomous and reliable power supplies in the oil & gas sector
Reliable power supply for continuous data and voice transmission
Reliable, off-grid power for more traffic safety
EFOY Pro models
The EFOY Pro fuel cells are available in various performance categories, with outputs ranging from 45 W for small-scale power systems to a 500 W module for UPS solutions.
The EFOY Pro charges batteries fully automatically.
The integrated charge controller permanently monitors the charge level of 12 and 24 V batteries. When the battery voltage drops below a predefined level, the EFOY Pro starts automatically and switches off again once the battery is charged. This results in reliable, continuous power, reduces the amount of batteries needed and extends the lifetime of the batteries since deep discharge damages are prevented.
EFOY Pro fuel cells supply maintenance free Off-grid power for several months without any user intervention.
EFOY Pro uses liquid methanol, a fuel with superior energy density.